Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Power in Positivie Expectancy

“It all begins with a dream. A dream is like a seed that when watered and nourished grows into a grand experience or noble cause. If you want to see tomorrow, dream. A dream is a glimpse into the future. Don Loyd

Success or failure is up to you. God has given you the ability to do great things regardless of the challenges.

I grew up with a speech impediment. As difficult as it was to endure, I determined not to let it, or people’s reaction to it, stand in the way of my dreams. I decided those who poked fun or ridiculed me were not in charge of my life.

The story is not that I had a speech problem. The story is I had a speech problem, so what! The fact is, all of us have a “handicap.” Some handicaps are visible, but the most destructive ones are those that are not visible – the mental stumbling blocks that can lead to mediocrity and failure.

So what if you were born into poverty?

So what if your dad left when you were a baby?

So what if everybody thinks you’re not too bright?

So what if you think you look funny (or sound funny like I did)?

So what if you didn’t go to college?

So what if you’ve faced some real life-changing tragedy?

So what?

You still have the choice between success and failure and it depends to a large degree on your mindset. You are unique, God made only one of you. You have something important to offer and share with the rest of us.

Oprah Winfrey wrote in O Magazine, I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.

That’s enormous advice! The key mindset is a positive expectancy. The important thing is the journey you take.

Live life on purpose, not by chance and never fear failure. Work hard, and smart, to change your reality by enlarging your dreams. I’m confident you’ll find the process a worthwhile and exciting challenge.

Don’t limit your possibilities by dreaming small. Warmly embrace huge dreams.

Now, go dream and dream BIG.